Most museums are closed on Mondays !
Please go to the websites for latest infomation!
Museums of modern art
Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA),
Plaça Angels 1, Area : El Raval.
Huge museum of contemporary art. Nice museumstore.
Metro : line 1 and 2, stop Universitat or Pl. Catalunya.
Closed on Tuesday. Opening hours and more info: Macba
Museu Picasso , Carrer
Montcada 15, Area: Ribera.
The museum offers a view of Picasso's works beginning at his early ones.
Closed on Monday, open Tuesday - Sunday: 10am - 8 pm. Closed on certain Holidays.
Metro line 4 stop : Jaume I.
Fundació Joan Miro,
Parc de Montjuïc. Area : Montjuïc.
This beautiful museum is dedicated to Miro and also displays changing exhibits of
contemporary artists. Bookstore, designstore and restaurant.
Closed on Monday. From October - June open from Tuesday - Saturday : 11am - 7pm, Thursday
open till 9.30 pm, Sunday and holidays : 10 am -2.30pm.From July trough September, the
museums stays open longer, from Tuesday - Saturday : 10am - 8pm, Thursday open till 9.30
pm, Sunday and holidays : 10am -2.30pm.
Can be reached by Funicular from Paral.lel metrostation, and with buses from Pl.
Website :
Centre d'Art Santa Monica, La Rambla 7, close to
the harbour.
Nice gallery with changing contemporary exhibits. Open Monday - Saturday : 11am - 8pm,
Sunday and holidays 11am - 3pm.Free.
Metro line 3, stop Drassanes.
Fundacio Antoni
Tapies, Carrer Arago 225, Area : Eixample.
Works of the Spanish painter Antoni Tapies and other contemporary artists.
Closed on Monday (except Holidays), open Tuesday - Sunday : 10am - 8 pm.
Metro line 3 or 4, stop Passeig de Gracia.
Centre de cultura contemporani, Montalegre 5,
Area: El Raval.
Paintings. Beautiful square in the middle of the museum, with a mirrorwall. Bookstore.
Closed on Monday. Check opening hours on their website.
Metro : line 1 and 2, stop: Universitat.
Museums : Classic art
Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya (MNAC),Palau
nacional, Parc de Montjuïc. Area : Montjuïc.
Huge museum displaying Medieval and Gothic art.
Closed on Monday (except Holidays). Tuesday -Saturday : 10am - 7pm, Sunday and Holidays :
10am - 2.30am. Closed: January 1st, May
1st and December 25th.
Metro line 1 and 3, stop Espanya.
Museu Frederic Marès, Plaça de Sant lu 5, area :
Barri gotic.
Spanish sculptures of several centuries.
Closed monday, open tuesday - saturday from 10am - 5 pm, on sunday and Holidays from 10 am
- 2 pm.
Metro line 4, stop Jaume.
Museu d' Historia de la ciutat, Pl. del Rei, Area
: Barri Gotic.
Museum about the history of Barcelona with archaeological treasures, and old documents.
Closed on Monday.
Metro line 4, stop Jaume.
Museu d' Arquelogia de Catalunya, Pg. de Santa
Madrona, Parc de Montjuïc. Area : Montjuïc.
Archaeologymuseum with prehistoric objects.
Closed on Monday. Tuesday - saturday open : 9.30am - 7pm, Sunday and Holidays : 10 am -
2.30 pm.
Metro line 1 and 3, stop Espanya.
Poble Espanyol, Marques de Comillas. Area:
Reconstruction of old Spanish construction styles and crafts.
Mondays: from 09:00 a.m. to 08:00 p.m.,Tuesdays
Wednesdays and Thursdays: from 09:00 a.m. to 02:00 a.m, Fridays and Saturdays: from 09:00
a.m. to 04:00 a.m.Sundays: from 09:00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m. (free entrance from 8pm to 12pm)
Museu d'historia de Catalunya, Plaça Pau Vila 3,
Area: near the harbour.
Modern museum about the history of Catalonya.
Closed on Monday (except public holidays), open from Tuesday till Thursday from 10am -
7pm, Sunday from 10u - 2.30pm.
Metro line 4 stop Barceloneta.
More information about the
attractions on my page areas.
Scientific museums
Museu de zoologia, Passeig Picasso. Area, near the
Zoologymuseum with stuffed animals.
Closed on Monday. Open Tuesday to Sunday : 10am - 3pm, Thursday 10 am - 3.60 pm.
Closed Mondays.Metro line 4, stop Barceloneta or line
1 stop Arc de triomf .
museu de zoologia
Museu de la cienca, Carrer Teodor Roviralta 55.
Interactive sciencemuseum, area : Tibidabo.
Closed on Monday. Tuesday - Sunday : 10am - 8pm.
FGCtrain, stop Tibidabo. (interesting
for kids )
Museu Etnologic , Passeig de Santa Madrona, Parc
de Montjuïc. Area : Montjuïc.
Ethnological museum with objects of American, Asian, Phillipine, African and preColumbian
Metro line 1 and 3, stop Espanya.
Museu de geologia, Parc de la Ciutadella, area :
Geology museum.
Closed Mondays. Tuesday through Sunday from 10:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m., Thursday from 10:00 6:30 p.m.
Aquarium, Moll d'Espanya Port Vell. Area : at the harbour.
Nice aquarium with exhibits about the flora and fauna of the Mediterranean sea.(Interesting for kids )
Open every day from 9.30 am - 21pm.
Metro line 3, stop Drassanes.

Other museums
Museu textil, Carrer Montcada 12, area : Ribera.
Textile museum.
Closed on Monday and some Holidays. Tuesday - saturday open : 10am - 6 pm, Sunday and
Holidays : 10am - 3 pm.
Metro line 4, stop Jaume I.
Museu monestir de Pedralbes, Carrer Baixada del
Monestir 9. Area : suburbs.
Monastery and museum with medieval art. .
Closed on Monday. Other days 10am - 2pm.
Bus 22, 64,75.
Museu maritim, Port vell, Av Drassanes. Area : at
the harbour.
Open from Monday - Sunday : 10am - 8pm.
Metro line 3, stop Drassanes.
Museu de la Musica , Passeig De Gracia 41,
area: Eixample.
Music museum.
Metro line 2, 3 or 4 stop Passeig de Gracia.
Museu militar, castell de Montjuïc, on the
mountain of Montjuïch.
Closed on Monday. Hours from 9.30 am till 5 pm or later.
Can be reached by cablecar.
Museu de cera, Passatge de la Blanca. Wax museum.
Metro line 3 stop Drassanes.
Museu del futbol, Aristides Maillol. Area :
Soccer museum.
Opening hours from Monday to Saturday: 10 a.m.
-6.30 p.m., Sundays and public holidays: 10 a.m. -2 p.m..
Points of interest: architecture
Modernist architecture
Casa Museu Gaudí, Parc Güell, Area : Gracia.
This is the house were Gaudi lived during the building of the parc, some of his works and
furniture are displayed here.
Monday - Sunday from 10 am - 6 pm.
Bus : line 24, 31, 32, 74 or metro line 3 , stop Lesseps, but then you still have a good
walk uphill to go.
Casa Mila, Passeig de Gracia 92,
Area : Eixample.
The building is partly open to the public and there is an exhibition of scale models,
slide shows and photos of Gaudi's most important buildings.
Monday to Sunday, from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Metro line 2, 3, 4 stop Passeig de Gracia. and visitors
La Sagrada Familia, Carrer de Provença, Area :
The unfinished interior and the museum with objects of Gaudí in the cellars can be
Open daily from 9a.m. untill 6 p.m. during January, February, November and December,
untill 7 p.m. during March, April, and October, untill 8 p.m. during May and September,
and untill 9 p.m. during June, July and August.
Metro line 2 and 5, stop Sagrada Familia.
Palau Güell, Nou de la Rambla 3, street off La
Great building by Antoni Gaudí, off which you can visit the hall for free.
Metro line 3 stop Liceu.
Palau de la Música Catalana, Carrer Sant Pére
Més Alt, area : Ribera.
Modernistische concerthaal by architect Domènech i Montaner.
Metro line 1 of 4 stop Urquinaona.
Casa Battló, Passeig De Gracia 43, area:
Building by architect Antoni Gaudí. No public access.
Metro line 2, 3 or 4 stop Passeig de Gracia.
Casa Amattler, Passeig De Gracia 41, area:
Building by architect Puig i Cadafalch, which houses a musicmuseum.
Metro line 2, 3 or 4 stop Passeig de Gracia.
Casa Lleó Morera, Passeig De Gracia 35,
area: Eixample.
Building by Domènech i Montaner, and touristoffice.
Metro line 2, 3 or 4 stop Passeig de Gracia.
Parc Güell , Carrer Albert Llamas, area: Gracia.
Beautiful parc designed by Antoni Gaudí.
Open daily from 10 a.m. till 6 p.m. during winter and till 9 p.m. from May - September.
Bus 24, 25, 31, 32, 74 or metro line 3, stop Lesseps, but then you have a good walk uphill
ahead. At Lesseps you can take the mini bus 116 to the parc.
Café el 4 gats, Plaça sant Lu, area : Barri
Modernist bar and meetingplace of famous artists at the beginning of this century.
Metro line 4 stop Jaume I.
More information about the
attractions on my page areas or architecture.

Modern architecture
Barcelona pavillion by architect Mies van der
Rohe, Avenida Marquès de Comillas, area: Montjuïc.
Beautiful building with changing exhibits
Open daily from 10a.m. - 8 p.m..
Metro line 1 and 3, stop Pl. d'Espanya.
Palau d'Esports Sant Jordi, next to the Olympic
stadion, area: Montjuïc.
This futuristic sportspalace by Japanese architect Isozaki, is surrounded by sculptures
and the communicationtower by Santiago de Calatrava.
Open during weekends from 10 am - 6 pm, but only if there is no event taking place.
Metro line 3, stop Pl. d' Espanya.
Museu d'Art Contemporani de Barcelona (MACBA) :
Plaça Angels 1, area : El Raval.
Beautiful architecture by Richard Meier.
Closed on Monday, open Tuesday - Friday from 12am - 8 pm, Saturday from 10am - 8 pm,
Sunday and holidays from 10am - 3pm.
Metro : line 1 and 2, stop Universitat or Pl. Catalunya.
Classical architecture
Gothic cathedral, Plaça de la Catedral, area:
Barri Gotic.
For admirers of old churches.
Open daily from 8am - 1.15pm and from 5pm - 7.30pm.
Metro line 4 stop Jaume I.
Poble Espanyol, Marques de Comillas. Area:
Reconstruction of old Spanish construction styles and crafts.
Mondays: from 09:00 a.m. to 08:00 p.m.,Tuesdays
Wednesdays and Thursdays: from 09:00 a.m. to 02:00 a.m, Fridays and Saturdays: from 09:00
a.m. to 04:00 a.m.Sundays: from 09:00 a.m. to 12.00 p.m. (free entrance from 8pm to 12pm)
Other attractions
Statue of Christopher Columbus , Plaça del
Portal de la Pau at the end of the Ramblas.
You can get to the top of the statue by elevator, where you have a view of the Ramblas and
the harbour.
Metro line 3, stop Drassanes.
Painted wall by Keith Harring at Plaça Salvador
Segui, next to MACBA, area: El Raval .
Metro: line 1 and 2 stop Universitat or Pl Catalunya.
Olympic stadion, Avenida Estadi, area: Montjuïc.
Metro line 3, stop Pl. d' Espanya (walk +- 15 min.).
Parc Zoologic, Parc de la Ciutadella, area: at the
Zoo with 7000 animals. (interesting
for kids )
Metro line 1 stop Arc de Triomf or line 2 stop Ciutadella or Barceloneta.
Parc Joan Miró, Carrer Tarragona, near Montjuïc.
Park with sculpture 'Dona i Ocel' by Miró.
Metro line 3, stop Tarragona or Pl. d' Espanya.
Parc Güell , Carrer Albert Llamas, area: Gracia.
Beautiful parc designed by Antoni Gaudí.
Daily open from sunrise through sunset.
Bus 24, 25, 31, 32, 74 or metro line 3, stop Lesseps, but then you have a good walk uphill
Parc de la Ciutadella, Huge and one of the oldest
parks with a fountain designed by the young Antoni Gaudi. The zoo and zoologymuseum are
also locsted here.
Metro line 1 stop Arc de Triomf and line 2 stop Ciutadella or Barceloneta.
Less known parks
Parc du Clot, area El Clot. Park with contemporary
Metro line 1 stop Clot.
Parc de L'Espanya Industrial, area: Sants. Park
with contemporary sculptures.
Metro line 3 and 5, stop Sants Estacio.
More parks at the seaside: Parc Barceloneta, Parc
del Mar, Parc Litoral and Parc Poblenou.
Having a picnic in one of the
parks might be a good idea to please the children.
More information about the
attractions on my page areas. |