Spanish Words
and drinks
General Words
Some pronounciation information
- Two LL's like in bocadillo is
pronounced LJ ( bokkadiljoo )
- ñ is pronounced NJ, like pequeño ( pekenjoo )
- UE, like in buenos dias is mostly pronounced WE ( bweenos dijas )
- J is pronounced CH, like empujar ( empoechar )
- U is pronounced OE, like uno ( oeno )
- UA is pronounced WA, like agua ( agwa )
- O is pronounced very short
Ofcourse there are exception to this rules, but these are the most frequent things. The wordlist is very limited, but it will help you a little. A fantastic language site is :
I'll put the Spanish words in the first column, as you are probably going to read them on a menu. How you pronounce the word more or less is marked in blue.
Spanish | English |
agua (mineral) ( agwa ) | mineral water |
agua gaseosa | sparkling water |
jugo de naranjas ( choego de naranchas ) | orange juice |
té (con limon) | tea ( with lemon) |
café (con leche) (caffee con letsjé) | coffee ( with milk ) |
leche | milk |
vino ( tinto / blanco ) | wine (red / white ) |
cervesa | beer |
patatas | potatoes |
puré de patatas | mashed potatoes |
patatas fritas | french fries |
arroz | rice |
pan | bread |
bocadillo ( bokkadiljoo ) | sandwich |
tostada | toast |
panaderia ( panadereeja ) | bakery |
mantequila ( mantekeela ) | butter |
marmelada | jam |
miel ( mjèl ) | honey |
huevo ( weevo ) | egg |
huevo estrellado ( weevo estraljado ) | egg sunny side up |
tortilla ( tortilja ) | omelette |
queso | cheese |
jamon ( chamon ) | ham |
tocino ( tosino ) | bacon |
bizcochos ( bizkochos ) | biscuits |
pastel(lito) | pastry |
azucar | sugar |
sal | salt |
pimienta | pepper |
hielo / sin hielo ( jeelo ) | ice / no ice |
helado | ice cream |
nata batida | whipped cream |
fruta | fruit |
limon | lemon |
manzana | apple |
naranja ( narancha ) | orange |
ensalada de frutas | fruitsalad |
verduras | vegetables |
judias ( choedias ) | beans |
pimiento ( pimjento ) | peppers |
ensalada | a salad |
lechuga ( letsjoega ) | lettuce |
tomate | tomato |
zanahorias | carrots |
pepino | cucumber |
cebolla ( cebolja ) | onion |
ajo ( acho ) | garlic |
guisantes | peas |
pescado | fish |
carne | meat |
hamburguesa ( hamboergèsa ) | hamburger |
pollo ( poljoo ) | chicken |
ternera | veal |
chuleta ( tsjoeletta ) | chop |
carnero | lamb |
pavo | turkey |
cerdo | porc |
biftec | steak |
en parillas / grillada | grilled |
comer | to eat |
beber | to drink |
bebidas | drinks |
pedir | to order |
entremeses | starters |
platos | dishes |
segundo plato | main dish |
postres | dessert |
taza | cup |
vaso | glass |
botella | bottle |
cuchara | spoon |
tenedor | forch |
cuchillo ( coechiljoo ) | knife |
desayuno | breakfast |
comida | lunch |
cena | dinner |
camarero (a) | waiter |
terminado | finished |
que approveche | enjoy your meal |
English | Spanish |
yes / no | si/no ( see / noh ) |
please / please ? | tome / por favor |
thank you (very much ) | (muchas ) gracias |
excuse me / i'm sorry | dispense me / perdone / lo siento |
hello | hola |
good morning or good day /good night | buenos dias/ buenos noches |
goodbye | adios |
see you later | hasta luego |
open / closed | abierto / cerrado |
entrance / exit | entrada / salida |
restrooms | los lavabos |
push / pull | empujar / tirar |
name / first name | apellido / nombre |
adress | direccion |
date | fecha |
yesterday / today /tomorrow | ayer / hoy / manana |
minute/hour/day / week / month | minuto / hora / dia / semana/ mes |
noon/afternoon/night | medio dia / tarde / noche |
airport / arrivals/departures | aeropuerto / llegadas / salidas |
trainstation/ subway /platform /busstop | estacion / metro / andèn / parada del bus |
train/ bus / metro / car | tren / bus / metro / coche |
tourist information | informacio turistico |
1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10, 100, 1000 | uno,dos,tres,cuatro,cinco,seis,siete,ocho, nueve, diez, ciento, mil |
money/coins/to pay/how much | dinero/ dinero suelto / pagar / cuanto ? |
cheap/expensive | barato / caro |
to change money | cambiar dinero |
stairs/escalator | escaleras / ascensor |
ground floor/upstairs/1st floor | planta baja / arriba / primero piso |
where/why/how/what/with/without/and/no | donde/por que/como/que/con/sin/y/no |
shops/department stores/ supermarket | tiendas/ almacèn/ supermercado |
( free )entrance | entrada ( libre ) |
buy / sell | comprar /vender |
a little/much/less/more | un poco / mucho / menos / mas |
rain/sun/hot/cold | lluvia / sol / calor / frio |
to the right, left/straight ahead | a la derecha/ a l' izquierda / todo recto |
street/avenue/plaza | caller / avenida / plaça |
i want/i need | quiero / necesito |
photofilm/to take a picture | pelicula de photo / sacar una photo |
postoffice/postal box/stamp/to post | officina de correos/ buzon/sello/echar al correo |
a phone/ to telephone | un télefono / llamar por telofono |
danger/prohibited/ watch out | peligro/prohibido/cuidado |
to walk / to sit / to run | ir / sentar / correr |
difficult/easy | dificil / facil |
good/bad/beautiful/ugly | bueno/ mal / bonito / feo |
sir/gentlemen/miss/ladies | senor / caballeros / senor(it)a |
hotel/restaurant/room/key | hotel/ restaurante / habitacion / llave |
museum/galery | museu / galeria |
doctor/pharmacie/dentist | medico / pharmacia / dentista |
inside/outside | dentro / fuera / |
big/small/ bigger / smaller | grande/pequeño/mas grande/mas pequeño |
i/you/we | yo / tu /nosotros |
do you speak English ? | Habla usted Inglès ? |
I don't understand | No lo comprendo |
What do you say ? | Que dice usted ? |
It' s a mistake | Es un error |
Waiter, the bill / check please. | Camarero, la cuenta por favor. |
How much does this cost ? | Cuanto cuesta eso ? |
We want to rent a car | Queremos alquilar un coche |
We want to rent a safe | Queremos alquilar una caja de seguridad |
What's your name ? | Como se llama ? |
How are you ? | Como esta usted ? |
What's the date today ? | Que fecha es hoy ? |
Catalan | English |
hello | bon dia / hola |
goodbye | adeu |
please | si us plau |
thanks | gracies |
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